June Writing Update


Well, here it is, July already. Anyone besides me amazed at how fast the year is going by? Last month went pretty well writing-wise. I’m struggling a bit because this is the first time IN MY LIFE that I’ve gotten to the point of almost being finished a book. I used to write fanfiction WAY back in the day but didn’t get much of a following because I didn’t share it very much. They were short stories and while I did finish them, finishing something that’s longer is quite the feat for me.

Reading-wise, I haven’t been doing so hot. I’m still working on getting through my next book up for review, and I’m pushing to get it done before my birthday (which is on the 16th of this month). I’m not giving away which book it is, you’ll have to watch the blog and see when it’s finished!

Recently I posted a question in the reading groups I belong to on Facebook. I was curious about something for aspiring self-publishing authors: Crowdfunding. It remained civil, but there were quite a bit of differing points of view shared. Initially, I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to tell which way more people would go and to be honest, I’m still not sure. It really was about 50/50. I’m still not sure how I feel about it, but it’s something I’m keeping in the back of my head. I’d really love your input, feedback, and opinions about it. If I were to create a Patreon page, would anyone be willing to support me? I would have to figure out rewards for supporters, and I’m nowhere near ready for it, but seeing if there’s any interest in it is a start.

I do of course realize that some people feel very strongly about working your tush off and scraping pennies together to self-publish, paying your dues and all that, so I don’t want to discount that aspect. I do realize it’s an important experience to go through and I’m not saying I expect anything to be handed to me, that’s not been my life by any means. Anyone that knows me personally can say that’s true about me.

So, that’s all for now. If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, I’ll be sending out an update there soon too (maybe with a bit more info on other things). If you want to subscribe to my newsletter you can do that here: https://www.facebook.com/cnmobberly/app/100265896690345/. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the love and support!!

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