October Writing Update

Honestly, this should just be the November update, considering the date this is getting written, right? If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you most likely know I have some pretty good reasons. The end of October and beginning of November is a bit of a crazy time for our family. Not just Halloween, but my son’s birthday is also at the beginning of November and I like to focus on making that a special time for him. So one day my mom and I took him to Build-A-Bear and he got a birthday bear for $4 since he turned 4 this year and we went to dinner too. He helped me make his birthday cake and we had fun with that. My sister and her kids got to come over and give him a present, we sang to him and had cake. THEN, we took the other half of the cake to his godparent’s house the next day, sang to him again and they gave him a present. In the midst of all of that, I got him with a nasty head cold so I was pretty out of it for s few days. I did my best to put on a good face since it was right during his birthday week, but there was a day or two where I hardly did anything at all besides keeping us alive and fed. PS- If you want to see pictures from Halloween and his birthday, they’re at the bottom of this post.

So, I did another thing this month too.I’m participating in National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo). If you don’t know what that is, it’s basically the goal of writing 50,000 words in the month of November. Generally, you’re supposed to start a NEW story on November 1st, but I’m doing it rebel-style. I’m working on some short stories, and my current WIP, though technically right now I’m just trying to get what I’ve written by hand typed up. The act of typing of what I’ve written is not something I look forward to. I told myself when I started doing it, I was going to make sure that I type of some of what I’ve written every day. Guess what didn’t happen? Yep, you guessed it…I didn’t type it up like I said I would. Now, that doesn’t mean I didn’t type ANY of it up, I did. I just didn’t do it every day and finally, I realized I had filled three (I think) composition notebooks and was WAY behind on typing it up. So, that’s part of my word count for NaNoWriMo. It might not be the way it’s supposed to be technically, but I need to end goal of getting it typed up, hopefully by the end of the month because I have to goal of having my first book done by the end of this year. I keep thinking about my second book, which is outlined and ready to go, but I need this first book done so I have a better idea of where the second one starts.

Other than my writing, my son’s birthday and be sick (which of course is the pits!), I recently picked up my crocheting again. I was working on an afghan for my son but wasn’t happy with it so I ended up pulling it out and starting it over again. It’s going to be bigger and I’ve set the goal of doing at least one row every single day and having it done by this time next year to give him for his birthday. Again, if you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you’ll have seen what it currently looks like (aside from another row or two added over the last couple of days) and right now it looks more like a REALLY long scarf! Lol

Apart from that, I hope you’re keeping an eye out for the upcoming book review posts this month and next. Plus, I recently got an ARC from a favorite author, so I’ll be reading that and getting a review up for that in January. Hard to believe 2018 is drawing to a close, right? Hard for me to believe I’m the mother of a 4-year-old too! Anywho, I better get back to more writing so I have something more interesting to talk about in my next blog update! I still plan on doing some character posts, like interviews or bio sheets, but I haven’t decided how I want to do it yet. But I’ll keep you updated about that! As always, I LOVE comments and feedback, so please feel free to leave some! I’ve also been thinking about doing an Ask Me Anything post or something to that effect so my readers can get to know me better, but I’m trying to gauge interest in it and I’ll need questions my readers want to be answered! So if that’s something you’d be interested in, you can leave a comment on this post about it and I’m sure to see it! Until next time!

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