
Writer’s Update – 7/1/2019

Camp NaNoWriMo Day One!! If you’re a writer and don’t know what NaNoWriMo (or camp) is, head over to nanowrimo.org or campnanowrimo.org and find out!! Seriously, it’s awesome and fun!! I won my first NaNoWriMo last year, and this is my first time doing camp!! I’m looking forward to it and I’ve created a cabin full of romance authors so we can hang out and talk about all the mushy stuff!! LOL

The main topic of this week’s post is… procrastination, lol. It really is my kryptonite ya’ll. I kid you not. In fact, after this month and finishing my third novel/novella, I’m going to get down to it FINALLY and start revising. That’s my plan for the rest of this year!! I need to stop procrastinating and stop letting fear of revising stop me. If I’m ever going to publish (and believe me, I WANT TO!!) I have to get over it and just do it!

Last month held a lot of challenges for me, to the point that I hardly wrote at all. But when I decided to do camp, I told myself there was no getting out of it. No, things are not magically all better simply because it’s July. BUT, it’s a new day and a new month and I’m making a new start! My goal for the month is 30k words and I think my novel will be done by then. I already have a good chunk of it written, which is a plus in my mind. I do need to go back and review my outline and re-read some of my story as a refresher before I start writing, but that’s part of the game. I won’t be writing every single day, but I’ll be writing most days. My goal is 1,500 words every day I do write. That way I have a buffer in case I miss a day here and there. I’m also taking Saturdays off because my son and I usually spend that day with his godparents and there’s a day trip to the beach being talked about, which would also happen on a Saturday.

I know I haven’t gotten a blog post up in a while and I apologize for that. I’m going to try to do better, even if it’s not every week, maybe every other week. But, since it’s also a camp month, I might keep with the weekly posts just for this month, but I don’t know yet. I don’t want to stress myself out too much since I fell off the wagon last month, lol. Things in the group have also been pretty quiet, same with the newsletter. I guess I feel like if I’m not writing (or revising) I don’t have much to say, so why bother? Working on that too.

Coming up, this fall my son is starting 1/2 day Pre-K 3 days/week and my mom will be retiring… again. She retired from her 30-year career way back when I was 18, but had to find another job. But now, after almost another 20 years, she’s calling it quits for good. Can’t say that I blame her. The house will be paid for later this year and she totally deserves it. Things will need to be adjusted so we can find routines that work for everyone, but I’m sure we will.

Ok, this is long and I’m starting to feel like I’m using this blog post as yet another form of procrastination, lol. See?? I can’t stop myself!! LOL

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